
Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

7 World Top Conspiracy Theories Off All Time

Conspiracy theories have floated around for generations with new ones popping up all the time. Here is a list counting down the World’s 7 biggest conspiracy theories of all time.

1. Life on Mars and the Annunaki:
Ever since photo’s of Mars were taken from the Viking orbiter in 1976, the answer to the question of if there was life on Mars seems to be yes. Photos depicting an enormous face staring up from the surface proved to be eerie. The pictures also include a sphinx and a 5-sided pyramid. When Zecharia Sitchin released findings of tablets in what used to be Sumeria, Sitchin describes the writings telling of the Anunnaki, a superior alien race that came down and taught the Sumerians new technology.  Many speculate that the formations on Mars surface were built by the Anunnaki which also opened up the idea that the great pyramids were built by aliens using humans as slave workers.

2. Vaccination and autism:
Celebrity Jenny McCarthy has fought this fight for years and even Robert Kennedy Jr. voiced his opinion saying the politician believes there is a conspiracy between scientists and the vaccine industry to hide the truth about the ingredients in vaccine shots. McCarthy has said that mother’s from all over the world who have children with autism have said for years that, “We vaccinated our baby and something happened.”

3. Digital television and subliminal advertising:
Many conspiracy theorists believe that cameras and microphones have been secretly built into televisions so that the government could spy on people. Another theory along with this one is that subliminal messages are being broadcast to influence the viewers with what the government and big industries want people to believe.

4. Global Warming:
Global warming has been a hot topic ever since Al Gore brought it to the world’s stage but many theorists believe this to be a ruse in order to control the populations way of life, raise taxes and intended to lead to more controlling, tyrannical government.

5. The Holocaust:
Believe it or not there are many theorists out there who believe that the Holocaust is a hoax. Conspiracy theories claim that the Nazis never murdered over 6 million Jews during World War II but claims of the Holocaust was conspired by the Jews to advance their own interests and to justify the creation of Israel. The deniers claim that any deaths which occurred in concentration camps were from starvation or disease and not because of Nazi policy to exterminate the Jews. The Diary of Anne Frank the conspiracy theorists believe is a forgery.

6. The Shroud of Turin:
Ever since the Shroud of Turin was brought forth to the public, it has caused much controversy. Believed to be the cloth which covered the body of Christ, some say that it proves that Jesus survived the crucifixion and that the Vatican had tampered with the carbon dating results in order to protect the faith. Of course the Vatican denies that but the discussion of its authenticity continues.

7. The death of Princess Diana:
Soon as the news spread of Princess Diana’s death, conspiracies were popping up everywhere. All of which claiming that the Princess was murdered by the Royal Family to stop Diana from releasing embarrassing and damaging information about ex-husband, Prince Charles. In 2013, Scotland Yard announced that it was reopening the case of Diana’s death on the basis of a claim that the fatal car accident was set up by the British Special Forces. Though the British and French governments have ruled Diana’s death as an accident, the fuel behind the conspiracy theories that Diana was killed to silence the Princess, remains.

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